Implementing new technologies in elderly people with mild to moderate cognitive impairment in Occupational Therapy


  • María del Carmen Rodríguez Martínez Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Emilio Ortega Fernández Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Elena Sánchez Vega Centro ABAnza Spain





This bibliographical revision try to show a vision of the possibilities that offer the new technologies for reducing or stopping the symptoms of cognitive impairment in older people with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Currently new technologies have much prominence and have become a tool with many possibilities for these people. We analyze different articles dealing with studying the use of new technologies in older people with cognitive disorders and do a literature review to provide more insight on data obtained until today on this field of research in occupational therapy. 204 articles were selected after a process of duplication and after passing different quality tools, leaving a total of 7 items. The results indicate that the new technologies contribute to reducing some symptoms associated with the disease, such as anxiety and depression, also improving certain cognitive functions in people who have mild to moderate cognitive impairment, so it is important to combine them with traditional therapies.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Martínez, M. del C., Ortega Fernández, E., & Sánchez Vega, E. (2017). Implementing new technologies in elderly people with mild to moderate cognitive impairment in Occupational Therapy. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 3(1), 75–84.


