Evaluation of a scale on ICT knowledge applied to educational inclusion: A Graded Response Model approach
GRM, diagnostic instrument, ICT, inclusion, initial teacher trainingAbstract
The rapid advance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) represents a crucial challenge and opportunity for contemporary society. These tools have not only transformed the way people communicate and work, but have also redefined pedagogical paradigms, posing new demands and possibilities for education systems. The incorporation of these resources in the classroom promotes educational equity and quality, preparing students with functional diversity for an increasingly digitalized world and favoring accessible, innovative and inclusive teaching-learning processes. The aim of this study is to evaluate a scale to measure prospective teachers knowledge of ICT applied to educational inclusion using the Graduated Response Model (GRM). A psychometric study was carried out on a non-probabilistic sample of 684 university students of the Degree in Primary Education from different andalusian public universities, using a reduced version of the Knowledge Scale of ICT applied to people with disabilities by Cabero-Almenara et al. (2016). The data reflect significant diversity in participants knowledge of ICT applied to people with disabilities. In addition, the accuracy in estimating latent scores supports the validity of the measurement instrument. The results indicate that the scale used is not only effective in measuring the average knowledge of the participants, but it is also capable of detecting significant variations among individuals. Therefore, it is concluded that this scale is a useful predictive tool for identifying training deficiencies and designing training programs that respond to these needs.Downloads
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