The dynamics of disposition: introducing a new scale for evaluating middle school attitudes towards blended learning
blended learning, attitude measurement, scale development, middle school educationAbstract
This study was conducted to develop and validate a reliable measurement tool that assesses middle-school students' attitudes towards blended learning methods. The research process began with a comprehensive literature review, resulting in a preliminary 42-item draft scale. This scale was administered to 259 seventh-grade students attending a public school in Izmir, Türkiye. The content validity of the scale was rigorously evaluated through expert opinions, ensuring its relevance and appropriateness. To establish the construct validity, both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. The analyses refined the scale to 36 items distributed across a two-factor structure, with the first and second factors comprising 22 positive and 14 negative items, respectively. These factors together accounted for 57.035% of the total variance, indicating a significant representation of the construct. The scale demonstrated excellent statistical robustness, evidenced by a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value of .943 and a significant Bartlett's test of sphericity. Furthermore, the scale's reliability was confirmed through a Cronbach's alpha of .847, underscoring its consistency and stability as a measurement tool. The results affirm that the developed scale is both valid and reliable for measuring middle school students' attitudes towards blended learning, providing valuable insights for educational strategies and technological integration. This scale equips educators and policymakers with a powerful tool to tailor educational approaches that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes in blended learning environments
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