Challenges of social media in education. Review and bibliometric analysis of scientific production to map trends and perspectives




Social media, virtual environments, scientific literature, bibliometric analysis, research trends


This paper aims to analyse the trends in the articles included in the Journal Citation Report on the implications of social networks in the educational sphere during the period 2011-2020 and, in this way, to synthesise the knowledge base on their use in formal, non-formal and informal educational environments. Regarding methodology, various variables were analysed in the 157 selected articles, and exploratory and descriptive bibliometric research was carried out. The PRISMA protocol's indications have been followed for the whole process. The results show a considerable increase in production in the first quartiles of impact journals. Most of the papers were written by occasional authors from the USA. The most common theme was using social networks as a vehicle for creating virtual environments, with qualitative methodology standing out. It has been revealed that challenges remain to be addressed from an educational science perspective, such as non-formal learning, ethical dilemmas, and addictions. Collaboration and the establishment of peer-to-peer publication networks show areas for improvement.



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How to Cite

Gil-Fernández, R., & Calderón-Garrido, D. (2023). Challenges of social media in education. Review and bibliometric analysis of scientific production to map trends and perspectives . Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 9(2), 51–67.


