Analysis of scientific production in WOS on augmented reality and early childhood education
augmented reality, early childhood education, systematic review, databaseAbstract
In recent years, augmented reality has gained ground in the educational field. In particular, in early childhood education it offers great opportunities to enrich the teaching-learning processes, however, research on its didactic use is in its infancy. Given this situation, it is important to know the current state of scientific production on augmented reality in early childhood education. To this end, the present study arises, in which a systematic review of the scientific production on the subject in Web Of Science (WOS) is carried out. The results obtained show a favorable evolution of scientific production in recent years, the relevance that Spain is giving to the subject of study and the need to continue researching to favor an adequate application of this technology in education. After the study, it is concluded that it is important to train teachers to apply augmented reality in training contexts and promote scientific production on the subject. Specifically, the need to specify design elements that must be taken into account, steps to follow to achieve optimal results and useful tools to develop educational experiences using this technology is highlighted.
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