Impact of the Reading plan on primary education students




reading comprehension, reading fluency, motivation, emotional intelligence


The current world is conditioned not only by the pandemic derived from COVID-19, but also by the ease and immediacy of information in various formats. In its written aspect, in order to process the information, it needs prior reading by people. Therefore, reading stands as a fundamental skill in the social and academic life of people. This aspect is promoted in educational centers through various practices included in an official document called the Reading Plan. The objectives of this study are focused on knowing the influence of this plan on the motivation, emotional intelligence, fluency and reading comprehension of primary school pupils. In order to achieve these objectives, a quasi-experimental pre-post research design has been proposed, based on a quantitative methodology. 114 primary school students from an educational center in Ceuta (Spain) participated in the study. Data collection has been carried out using three validated instruments (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory and EMLE-TALE 2000). The results reveal that the actions deployed in the reading plan of the educational center have led to improvements in reading fluency and comprehension. However, the actions carried out have not improved the motivation or emotional intelligence of the students.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Marín-Marín, J.-A., Carmona-Serrano, N., & López-Belmonte, J. (2023). Impact of the Reading plan on primary education students. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 9(2), 149–161.


