Personality, Burnout and Digital Competence in university professor, An approach to the current reality




personality, burnout, digital competence, university teachers, emotional exhaustion


Research on university teachers today requires greater depth regarding the relationship between personality, teaching and burnout. The latter is a well-studied phenomenon in teachers of other educational stages. There are many investigations that have delved into the effect of burnout in teachers, given that this population is especially vulnerable to developing it due to the affective and emotional components inherent to the professional profile. On the other hand, digital competition is another phenomenon that has been exposed in recent years. In this sense, different studies refer to the different skills related to the use of tools and technologies in the classroom context. For the development of the study, a battery of questionnaires has been used, including; the 16PF Personality Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Digital Competence Questionnaire of Spanish Higher Education Teachers. The results from the data analysis using the statistical program SPSS showed that there are no significant differences in terms of gender and burnout. On the other hand, a positive relationship has been observed between depersonalization and emotional exhaustion with the feeling of self-sufficiency. In addition, a positive relationship is observed between the nervous tension scale with depersonalization. Regarding digital competence, a positive relationship has also been found between personal fulfillment with the use of ICT in the classroom and also with a positive attitude towards ICT. The need to expand research regarding personality in university teachers is observed. In the same way as the study of burnout in this educational stage and the importance of good digital competence in current higher education teachers.



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How to Cite

Agustí López, A. I., Martí Aras, A., Rodríguez Martín, A., & Gabarda Méndez, C. (2023). Personality, Burnout and Digital Competence in university professor, An approach to the current reality. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 9(2), 162–176.


