Instrument supported by digital applications to diagnose the communicative competence of students with ASD: design and validation
instrument, diagnostic, communicative competence, ASD, digital applicationsAbstract
Communicative competence is defined based on linguistic and socio-emotional skills. Specifically, there are scales to diagnose the level of communicative competence of people with ASD, but they do not cover both dimensions. In addition, they usually collect information from secondary sources (families and teachers), avoiding direct observation of the students, which creates a bias in the competence evaluation. Thus, the present study focuses on the design and validation of the DiagnosticApp instrument, which allows for a contextual diagnosis of the communicative competence of these students. It uses two digital applications -free, intuitive, and open access- as support, that make a contextual, dynamic, and flexible evaluation possible, offering the option to select or create personalised activities. The instrument consists of 12 indicators outlined in 48 items -inferred, among others, from the DSM-5™- and grouped into two dimensions of analysis: a) language skills and b) socio-emotional skills. Its validation was carried out with the Delphi method by gathering the opinions of a sample of experts from various fields, contributing in this way to refine and strengthen the instrument from a multifaceted perspective. The results confirm the pertinence, relevance, and clarity of the indicators associated with both dimensions used for measuring the level of communicative competence in people with ASD. It is concluded that DiagnosticApp is fully valid and adaptable to other contexts by teachers, which facilitates a contextual diagnostic based on activities in a friendly and motivating digital environment within the framework of inclusive and quality education.
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