The pedagogical model of digital materials for early childhood education developed by Galician publishers
Instructional materials, multimedia materials, teaching models, early childhood education, publishing industryAbstract
Considering the innovative nature which, a priori, implies the use of didactic digital materials in the teaching-learning process, and being early childhood education one of the stages of the regulated educational system that should stand out also by its innovative character, it is of great interest to know the underlying pedagogical model of these materials. Therefore, the aim of this piece of research is to analyse the pedagogical model of materials for the second cycle of early childhood education published by Galician publishers, as part of the supply of digital educational resources at the disposal of the teachers of this region. Specifically, the analysis is focused on the type of activities and complementary resources, and the roles assigned to teachers and children, being the sample a total of eight materials designed by four different publishers. For the data analysis it is considered the degree of coherence between the findings and what the official curriculum stablishes for this autonomous region. The findings suggest that although the digital constitution of the material does not entail significative changes in the pedagogical models, and that the technological potential is not seized, the open and flexible nature of this stage makes it possible to adapt the materials.
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