Innovation in Vocational Education and Training: the use of Escape Rooms




Vocational education and training, Game Based Learning, escape room, innovation


Escape rooms are activities that are developed within the Game-Based Learning (GBL) methodology. They mainly consist of the development of various activities that test the knowledge and problem-solving skills of those who carry them out. Their use in education is more and more frequent, but there are no known experiences in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Innovation in VET is a pending issue. For this reason, the aim of this study is to discover what innovation in VET is like, mainly in relation to GBL and escape rooms. To that end, a convenience sample of 46 VET teachers between 27 and 61 years old and belonging to different professional families was used. The results show that VET teachers have not used escape rooms, as they consider that they do not know how to design them and that they do not have the necessary resources to innovate. The vast majority indicate that this type of methodology helps students' motivation and learning. However, they consider that some students are reluctant to use them. In conclusion, it is necessary to train these teachers to innovate, as they do not feel able to do so.



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How to Cite

González Calatayud, V. (2022). Innovation in Vocational Education and Training: the use of Escape Rooms. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 8(1), 111–120.


