Perceptions and use of digital media in arts education: A descriptive study
arts education, ICT, lifelong learning students, Higher education teaching personnelAbstract
Technological development in the past few decades has generated important changes in the educational field, which have resulted in new approaches that require the use of digital tools in arts education. This new context requires teachers to continuously improve their training and show positive attitudes towards the use of these innovative resources. The present study aims to achieve two purposes: (I) explore the perception and use of digital resources by arts education teachers and (II) understand the degree of incorporation of technological resources in the teaching of artistic areas from the students’ perspective. To do this, two extensive questionnaires were designed and validated, and were then administered to the Baccalaureate of Arts students and teachers at four of the five schools in Extremadura that offer this program. The results show a high degree of acceptance of these media in arts education, a great variety of uses, and commitment towards lifelong learning. In this way, we conclude that digital resources entail greater speed, ease, and ability to experiment in artistic practice, although we detect a significant absence in matters such as “Volume”, “Design”, or “Image and Sound”. On the other hand, we highlight a substantial deficit in the acquisition of ICT skills in initial teacher training
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