Analysis of the state of the art on the use of video games in Nursery and Primary Education




childhood, technology, video games, education


The integration of technologies in the educational field is an undeniable reality in the 21st century society, characterized by the rapid changes that make the educational revolution and innovation possible. Proof of this is the use of video games in schools in the Infant and Primary Education stages. These gamified practices through technology are not exempt from criticism or sensitivity about their educational possibilities. In order to describe the benefits and possibilities of the introduction of video games in classrooms detected in the scientific literature, a literature review study has been carried out. For this, the Scopus, WOS, ERIC and Dialnet databases were used, and a total of 18 documents were selected for analysis using the PRISMA method. The results show that video games can contribute positively to teaching-learning processes, develop cognitive and creative aspects, and even improve some social attitudes. In short, this study demonstrates the possibilities of the educational use of video games with students of Nursery and Primary Education, as long as there are digitally trained and competent teachers, and the selection of the resource is made considering the pedagogical dimension, in addition to the technique.


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How to Cite

Marín Suelves, D., Vidal Esteve, M. I., Donato, D., & Granados Saiz, J. (2021). Analysis of the state of the art on the use of video games in Nursery and Primary Education . Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 7(2), 4–18.


