Narrative Patterns

Structural formulas and their emotional responses in film and television




Cinema, Narrative, Pattern, Plot, Structure


Narrative patterns are formulas with which a plot is molded to generate an emotional response in the viewer. In the present work, two well-defined patterns that have been found in certain film and television structures are studied, so the objective of this article is to highlight their characteristics, their effects and the advantages of their use. For this, a qualitative analysis is used that, through a critical-reflective methodology, allows a thorough study of this phenomenon; Likewise, the study design is centered on two pairs of examples ordered according to each investigated narrative pattern and according to a matrix of axes that makes both the selected films and series comparable. Among the main contributions made in this work are the intention to improve the understanding of narrative structures, the academic promotion for the elaboration of better quality audiovisual products and the inclusion of narrative proposals that often go unnoticed, especially those that they constitute literary antecedents. It is concluded that the narrative patterns are formulas that fulfill an emotional function based on the alternation of fortunate and unfortunate events in the plot that occur to the characters; It is also inferred that empathy, emotional attachment and changing expectations are mobile generated by narrative patterns that attract the attention of the viewer and hook him to the plot.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Arriaga Benítez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

I am currently professor at Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos, level preparatory, in Mexico; I have 8 years of experience in teaching. Now I study a PhD in Classics; I studied my Master in Classics at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico). I have participated in congresses and academic studies in Italy, Greece and Chile; I have given conferences in my University. 

Studies at Accademia Vivarium Novum in Rome, Italy, during 2009-2010.

Studies at Cultural European Centre at Delphi, Greece, during 2012. 

Studies at Catholic Pontifician University of Chile, during 2014. 





Appointment as Founding Partner od Iberoamerican Organization of Rhetoric in 2017. 

I won the International Contest of Essay COCOPA (Bicameral Commission for Concord and Peace) in the category of political essay in 2019. 


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How to Cite

Arriaga Benítez, J. M. (2022). Narrative Patterns: Structural formulas and their emotional responses in film and television. Eviterna Journal, (11), 7–23.



Dosier homenaje al profesor Francisco Juan García Gómez