Didactic methodologies in online training: the case of the Valencian International University
methodology, didactics, online university, teacher rolAbstract
In every teaching-learning process, the methodologies determine the ways of working in the educational processes so that the students acquire the corresponding learning. It is a reality that marks the educational act and there are different modalities and roles conducted by the teacher in the development of them. Taking the Valencian International University as a reference in the context of online training, the objective of this study has been to analyze the use of methodologies in an online training context that were applied by 106 teachers who taught in the area of education during the 2017-2018 academic year. The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire that was conducted ad hoc for this study. The questionnaire focused on four items: the methodologies that are implemented in the educational institution, the frequency of use, the role of the teacher when implementing the methodologies and the type of knowledge favoured in the student. The results show that regarding online learning most of the methodologies are used in a generalized way, except Hand-On methodology. The most common role of the teacher is the facilitator or guide role. However, there is a need to deepen in a greater knowledge concerning the role of the methodologies, the role of the teacher applied therein and the type of learning performed by the student in the context of the Valencian International University.
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