Dressing Up the Balconies
A Participatory Art Proposal during Lockdown
Participatory art, balcony, lockdown, handicraftsAbstract
We would like to introduce the artistic experience Dressing Up the Balconies, a work intended for citizen’s participation that was developed during the early days of lockdown. This allowed us to remain united when sending a message of welcome and thanks for the people looking after all of us. The structure of the following text leads us to contextualise the activity by analysing the meaning of the exhibition spaces that shelter our project: windows and balconies. We continue by reasoning why this proposal was tackled with the approach of participatory art. Thus, the text puts forward some thoughts on collaborative practices and the use of handicrafts therein. The activity became a way of relating rooted in art, and each creation was a node in the net that permitted us to keep making art together.
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