When an old concept comes full circle, in other words, the shock of the real


  • Anna Klimczak Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (Warsaw) Poland




committed art, political art,, art and discussion, protest art, activist art


The article presents a collection of the author’s archival works, the meaning of which has become relevant in the face of socio-political changes in Poland. Critical artistic considerations related to national identity or relations between the state and the church are also discussed. The artist’s attitude towards political discussion and a closer look at the creative processes is also examined. Cultural projects and selected artistic works are identified, and grassroots social activities with the participation of artists are described. The ongoing media discussion and social mood is outlined. Included is a visual (photographic) presentation commenting on the issues highlighted, with particular emphasis on the artistic works of the author.


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How to Cite

Klimczak, A. (2020). When an old concept comes full circle, in other words, the shock of the real. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 2(3), 191–218. https://doi.org/10.24310/Umatica.2020.v2i3.11173