Relación entre hábitos lectores y vocabulario en maestros de inglés en formación




Inglés, maestros en formación, lectura, vocabulario receptivo, vocabulario productivo


The aim of this piece of research is to analyse the relationship between reading habits and frequency of reading in English, besides the receptive and productive vocabulary of a sample of 86 pre-service English teachers. The sample, students of the Intensive English Itinerary of the Primary Education Degree, completed an ad hoc questionnaire developed to find out their reading habits, as well as the Vocabulary Level Test (Webb et al, 2017) and the Lex30 (Meara & Fitzpatrick, 2000) in order to determine the size of their receptive and productive vocabularies. The results show that the majority of the sample do not have an established foreign language reading habit, they are not regular readers, and their reading is determined by their level of proficiency in English. There are also differences in receptive and productive vocabulary according to the reading habits of the sample and a significant relationship between vocabulary and reading frequency.


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Author Biographies

Guadalupe de la Maya Retamar, Universidad de Extremadura

Magdalena López-Pérez, Universidad de Extremadura


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Portada Artículo 4



How to Cite

de la Maya Retamar, G., López-Pérez, M., & Fernández-Portero, I. (2024). Relación entre hábitos lectores y vocabulario en maestros de inglés en formación. Investigaciones Sobre Lectura, 19(1), 70–94.


