El interés lector y el fomento de la escritura y de la creatividad en Secundaria y Bachillerato a través de la hiperficción narrativa
Hypertext, Creativity, ICT, Reading Interest, WritingAbstract
This article analyzes the impact that the elaboration of a narrative hyperfiction in the classroom has on reading interest, creativity, and the promotion of writing in secondary and high school students. For this purpose, six control groups and six experimental groups were formed: the former wrote a story in a word processor; the latter, a hyper-story in social networks, following a hyperfiction model proposed by their teachers. From their work and a series of subsequent tests, it was possible to determine to what extent they improved certain basic skills and competencies in the subject of Spanish Language and Literature: reading comprehension, reading motivation, creativity, written expression, and communicative competence.
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Investigaciones Sobre Lectura (ISL) | 2022
Contribución de los autores: Conceptualización; metodología; análisis estadístico; investigación; preparación del manuscrito; revisión y edición.
Fondos: Investigación sin financiación externa.
Agradecimientos: A los alumnos, por su trabajo.
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