Eficacia del programa de Facilitación de la Planificación para la prevención de dificultades de comprensión lectora
Effectiveness of the Planning Facilitation program for the prevention of reading comprehension difficulties
Planning facilitation, metacognition, metacognitive instruction, reading comprehension, PASS theoryAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyze the role of PASS cognitive processes in the improvement of reading comprehension within a group of students whose reading performance was beginning to differ from their classmates with whom they had started their primary schooling. The presence of this achievement difficulty in reading comprehension was observed at the beginning of the third year of primary education. The group of students at risk of reading comprehension difficulties (n = 8) underwent training, while their classmates acted as a control group. The total number of students in the classroom was 30. The Reading Comprehension Assessment test, the four scales of the Cognitive Assessment System Battery (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive), and the Reading Awareness Scale were used for the evaluation of the students. The reading comprehension program was implemented using the Planning Facilitation method. The results showed an improvement in the care process that was manifested in the posttest and planning measure, which remained active from the premeasure to the follow-up. At this moment of the measurement, the improvement of the simultaneous processing with a great activity of reading comprehension and awareness was manifested. Reading comprehension and awareness improved significantly in the post measure and increased in the follow-up measure with simultaneous processing. These results are interpreted in the sense that the Planning Facilitation program has a specific effect on the processes of knowledge (reading awareness) and metacognitive control (planning and attention), as well as on the simultaneous cognitive process and on the transfer of these to reading comprehension. Planning activates the functioning of simultaneous processing and its control, and once the cognitive weakness of simultaneous disappears, reading comprehension is performed competently.
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