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Donatella Donato
Valencia University
Ángel San Martín Alonso
Valencia University
Lola Prima Expósito
C.E.I.P. Les Arenes
Emilia Heredia Pisa
Colectivo Las Ganchilleras Luchadoras
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021), RESEARCHES, pages 103-111
Submitted: Jul 14, 2020 Accepted: Nov 6, 2020 Published: Jan 31, 2021
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The neighbourhood of El Cabanyal in the city of Valencia is the context in which this transformative research is being carried out with two precise objectives: to create a community of co-researchers who plan, implement, evaluate and disseminate the results, and to create the conditions for rebuilding the social fabric by overcoming the conflict between groups and the prejudices that make it difficult to meet. Participatory action research allows dialogue between people, disciplines and cultures. As a result, we highlight the development of networks for the cogeneration of knowledge useful to society, based on inductive thinking, the involvement of citizens with science and action for transformation.


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