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Asunción López Carretero
Profesora jubilada de la Universidad de Barcelona
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020), MINIMAL STORIES, pages 185-192
Submitted: Jun 30, 2020 Accepted: Jul 1, 2020 Published: Jul 31, 2020
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This year we have lived an unexpected experience that has meant an almost total stop of our daily activity. The health crisis has been a reflection or a sign of some dysfunctions that we have naturalized in our western societies. As a result of this experience, the text tries to show some feelings and thoughts born from this event as an occasion to rethink ourselves towards a more sustainable life, and it considers education as a key place for the development of care and the relationship. It shows the bewilderment and the risks that forgetting what we have lived can entail, leading us once again to neglect essential dimensions of life in common. In this sense, it is an invitation to take seriously the importance of education and teacher education as essential goods for that community life.


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