The pedagogical revolution of educational AI
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This article examines the pedagogical revolution that artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to generate in the educational field, reflecting on its transformative potential and the challenges it poses. Its fascinating possibilities and terrifying threats invite a critical analysis of the expectations and the real impact of educational AIs. Fueled by the best and most up-to-date disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, the finest didactic content knowledge, and the best available psychopedagogical knowledge, both theoretical and applied, educational AIs could play a privileged role as personalized assistants and Socratic tutors. They can be shaped and trained to become competent, attentive, pleasant, and empathetic tutors, always ready to accompany the learning process of each individual throughout their lives and to serve as invaluable support for teachers. Their training and education should be based on three complementary fundamental pillars: an informed, critical, and humble epistemology; a transparent, committed, and supportive ethics; and a Socratic, pluralistic, sensitive, and creative pedagogy. Conceived in this way, they do not replace but rather complement and enhance the work of educators, learners, and families. Given their nature and magnitude, it would be wise to consider educational AIs not only as valuable innovative tools but also as a genuine educational heritage of humanity; a shared multi- and intercultural legacy that, under the supervision of teachers, is placed at the service of all human beings, enriching our lives and broadening our horizons.
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