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Andrés Felipe Astaíza Martínez
Unidad de Proyectos Especiales- Universidad de Ibagué
Maria Isabel Castillo-Bohorquez
Universidad de Ibague
Gina Alexandra Rojas León
Unidad de Proyectos Especiales- Universidad de Ibagué
Julio Eduardo Mazorco Salas
Unidad de Proyectos Especiales- Universidad de Ibagué
José Jair González López
Unidad de Proyectos Especiales- Universidad de Ibagué
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022), RESEARCHES, pages 84-104
Submitted: Jun 28, 2021 Accepted: Jan 12, 2022 Published: Jan 31, 2022
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The need to transform education and shape a new teaching role in accordance with the particularities of the current era, has been a fundamental issue in higher education debates. The University requires teachers immersed in continuous learning processes at an academic and social level, which promotes contextualized pedagogical practices. Despite this, the trends in the pedagogical processes of Latin American higher education have been characterized by hierarchical and bureaucratic structures, the separation between theory and practice, and the lack of linkage between the curriculum and local social problems. In this regard, this article presents the experience of co-construction of a systemic thinking course with a constructivist approach, carried out by a team of teacher-researchers. The process encompasses three cycles of educational action research, where the processes of diagnosis, design-implementation and evaluation are systematized. The research made it possible to understand the forms of collaborative work, manifested not only in the design and execution of class activities, but also in the theorization about pedagogical practices and the creation of pedagogical and organizational culture.


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