Quality of pedagogical intervention in the classroom, from the perspective of teachers and students


  • Elsa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Físicas Portugal




Convergence, Pedagogical intervention, Students, Teachers, Practicum


This study aims to investigate the existence of convergence between trainee teachers, performing the role of teacher in a school, and its students. In this way, we will study the way of understanding and interpreting the educational practices that these teachers use and their students experience, believing that the quality of the teaching-learning process depends, on a large scale, on this convergence. We have applied two surveys built in "mirror", to 12 teachers of Physical Education in practices and their respective high school students (288), pointing out the results for the existence of some convergences, but many more divergences. Convergences, in general, in the order of importance that they attribute to the dimensions, categories and indicators resulting from the analysis of the data, and divergences in the assessment of each of them, being evident the tendency that teachers in practices overvalue the quality of their practices relative to the opinion of their respective students. These results allow trainees to reinforce the positive points of their pedagogical intervention and become aware of the negative ones, leading them to the search for solutions.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro da Silva, E. M. . (2020). Quality of pedagogical intervention in the classroom, from the perspective of teachers and students. Diario De Practicum, 2(2), 18–31. https://doi.org/10.24310/RevPracticumrep.v2i2.9856


