The lesson study approach in the practicum of the master’s music therapy with women vic-tims of gender violence


  • Empar Guerrero Valverde Universidad Católica "San Vicente Mártir" C/ Sagrado Corazón, 5 CP. 46110 Godella (Valencia) Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación Dpto. Psicología, Educación Inclusiva y Desarrollo Socio-comunitario Spain



Practicum, Lesson Study, postgraduate, research, music therapy


This paper described the formative and research experience carried out with a student of the Music Therapy Master of the Catholic University “San Vicente Mártir” in her period of curricular practices in which designed, implemented and evaluated a music therapy program directed to a group of women victims of gender violence of the Alanna Association of Valencia, supervised by the internship tutor who was also the academic tutor. All this was done following the phases of the Lesson Study, adapting them to the scope and intervention context. This experience was carried out throughout the 2017-2018 academic year, from February to May, with a total of 150 hours of practice. With this proposal, a training pro - cess was launched direct intervention with women and research on the practice carried out by the student and the professional tutor. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the Lesson Study can also be implemented in a different field to the school and that it offers new possibilities in the learning process of the students in practices, in our case, of the Master of Music Thera-py.


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Author Biography

Empar Guerrero Valverde, Universidad Católica "San Vicente Mártir" C/ Sagrado Corazón, 5 CP. 46110 Godella (Valencia) Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación Dpto. Psicología, Educación Inclusiva y Desarrollo Socio-comunitario

Licenciada en Pedagogía. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Línea de investigación abierta relacionada con el practicum de Magisterio y Educación Social


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How to Cite

Guerrero Valverde, E. (2018). The lesson study approach in the practicum of the master’s music therapy with women vic-tims of gender violence. Diario De Practicum, 3(1), 49–61.


