Design of the professional internship course: Bachelor's degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Tourism (UNED)




Higher Education, Youth Employment, Active Learning, competences work


The external internship subject at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of UNED allows students to gain work experience and essential skills, aligning with the European Higher Education Area and its focus on employability. The situated learning approach, based on immersion in communities of practice, enables students to learn from experts and contribute to business knowledge. The objectives of the course include developing an effective methodology that combines immersion in the professional context with activities proposed by the teachers. It aims to ensure that students not only understand the structure and operations of the organization but also comprehend its culture, values, and internal dynamics. Another objective is to equip students with the skills to create their curriculum vitae and present themselves effectively to potential employers. This skill is essential for standing out in the job search process.


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Author Biography

Cristina Sánchez Figueroa, Universidad de Educación a Distancia -UNED-

Mi labor docente se enfoca en la estadística, impartiendo clases en asignaturas de estadística descriptiva e inferencial en los Grados de ADE, Economía y Turismo. También contribuyo a la enseñanza de Postgrado, participando en el Máster de Investigación y Cursos de Especialización del Departamento.

Como Coordinadora de Prácticas Curriculares en ADE, Economía y Turismo, mi enfoque se centra en la integración universidad-empresa, la formación empresarial de los estudiantes y la relevancia de la tecnología en la enseñanza. He liderado Redes de Innovación Docente en la UNED y participado en congresos especializados para mejorar los planes de estudio y su alineación con el mercado laboral.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Figueroa, C. (2024). Design of the professional internship course: Bachelor’s degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Tourism (UNED). Diario De Practicum, 9(1), 77–86.


