Prior knowledge. Influence on the Educational Sciences Practicum.
Practicum, Prior knowledge, Academic performance, Higher education, Education SciencesAbstract
The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the previous knowledge of the students in the performance during their curricular practices of university degrees included in the educational area. The sample is made up of 127 university students, of whom 74% are studying undergraduate degrees (16.4% Degree in Early Childhood Education; 46.6% Degree in Primary Education; 11% Degree in Social Education), compared to 26% who are enrolled in an Official Master's Degree (12% Master's Degree in Teacher Training; 14% Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy). It was developed in two phases: 1) descriptive, correlational and reliability analysis of the instruments for this study and 2) comparison of differences between groups. The results indicate that all the studied constructs are positively and significantly related to each other. In addition, students enrolled in a master's degree show better results in prior knowledge and academic performance. The implications of these findings for educational research and practice are discussed.
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