Usability and satisfaction of the use of e-Rubrics in the Tutorial Activity of the Emergency Department
Educational assessment; competency based education; teaching; medical education; paediatric education.Abstract
This paper aims to design and validate an electronic rubric to assess the competencies of Paediatric postgraduates in their healthcare activity in the Emergency Department of Dr Roberto Gilbert Children’s Hospital [Guayaquil, Ecuador]. To this end, previously validated online surveys have been used to determine how useful, usable and satisfied these postgraduates found the Co-Rubric® platform.
A panel of 10 experts determined a general Content Validity Index of 0.97 and obtained significance of the consensus through the Kendall W coefficient. Consensus among the assessing experts was reached, and the usefulness of the rubric to assess the subject matter under study was thus validated. Internal consistency and reliability were applied to the piloting results with 12 postgraduates—considered sufficient for exploratory research—and determined with a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.6.
The postgraduates scored the highest marks in the Usability and Perceived Usefulness surveys on the Co-Rubric platform, which meant that the rubric was valid to assess their competencies and that they perceived this resource and the assessment process useful. Postgraduates also considered that the platform has an appropriate level of usability, and their user experience was satisfactory.
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