The Polya method and Gamification as strategies in problem solving
Problem solving, Polya’s Method, Gamification, Methodological Renewal, Digital ResourcesAbstract
Studies show that portuguese students have difficulties in problema solving. The aim of this study, developed with 4th grade students, was promote better problem solving with the division operation. Three specific objectives were designed: analyze the influence of Polya’s method on problem solving; understand the gamification approach in student motivation and involvement; understand the effect of digital technological resources on the learning process. Data collection instruments were used, following action research methodology and mixed approach: participant observation, project diary, application of a test before (pretest) and after (posttest) of the training situations. The application of Polya’s method helped to better understand and organize the problem, promoting autonomy in solving it; gamification has stimulated students’ enthusiasm and desire to achieve their goals; digital resources, such as avatars, facilitated curriculum articulation and collaboration capabilities.
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