Editorial Team


 Manuel Cebrián de la Serna, University of Málaga, Spain. mcebrian@uma.es revistapracticum@gmail.com  https://www.inoutpractice.com/

Professor at the University of Malaga. Director of the consolidated research group Globalización, Tecnología, Educación y Aprendizaje -Gtea- Junta de Andalucía SEJ-462.    



  Manuela Raposo-Rivas, University of Vigo, Spain. mraposo@uvigo.es

Professor at the University of Vigo. Secretary of the Department of Didactics, School Organization and Research Methods. PI in the CIES-UVigo group. Secretary of the Practicum Network: Association for the development of the Practicum and External Practices (REPPE).  



  Miguel Angel Zabalza Beraza, University of Santiago, Spain. miguel.zabalza@usc.es

PhD in Psychology and Degree in Pedagogy. Professor of Didactics and School Organization. President of AIDU (Ibero-American Association of University Teaching). President of ILADEI (Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios de la Infancia) and director of the journal RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil).   


  Agustin Erkizia Olaizola, University of País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain. agustin.erkizia@ehu.eus

Full Professor at the University of the Basque Country /Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). Vice-rector of the Gipuzkoa Campus of the UPV/EHU. Member of the research group ETICOP-IT (Ethics in Communities of Practice / Ética en Comunidades de Práctica-Ikerketa Taldea). President of the Practicum Network: association for the development of the Practicum and External Practices (REPPE).   


  Olga Canet Vélez, University Ramon Llull, Spain. olgacv@blanquerna.url.edu

Nurse by the University of Barcelona (UB), graduated in Humanities by the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and PhD in Pedagogy by the (UB). She has been a nurse for fifteen years, expert in neonatology. Director of the postgraduate course in children's nursing in the hospital environment with 18 editions. Coordinator of the Master in Hospital Pedagogy throughout life (UB); director of the Master in Health and Welfare of women and children at the Ramon LLull University (URL). Experience in management and coordination of external practices and practicum in health, more than 10 years. Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna FCSB. Member of the Research Group Global Research on Wellbeing (GRoW).  


  Miguel Ángel Barberá Gregori, University of Valencia. University-Business Foundation of Valencia, ADEIT, Spain. mbarbera@fundacions.uv.es

Director of the Internship Department at ADEIT. University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia since 1987. PhD in Pedagogy and Degree in Geography and History from the University of Valencia. Promoter and co-director of the Internship Evaluation Program (PAPE) of the University of Valencia (2005-2009). Promoter and coordinator of the UNECAM Program of the Universitat de València, training for the improvement of the employability of university students in internships (2006-2011). Areas of work: a) Organización y gestión de prácticas externas universitarias b) Evaluación de la calidad de las prácticas en empresas; c) Formación y acreditación de tutores de prácticas externas.


  María Ainoa Zabalza Cerdeiriña, University of Vigo, Spain. mzabalza@uvigo.es

Interim Associate Professor at the University of Vigo. PhD in Education Sciences with European mention. Researcher of the CIES-UVigo group. Evaluator of the H2020 program. Lines of research: Early Childhood Education, Teacher Training and Educational Inclusion.   



  Ana Belén Pérez Torregrosa, University of Granada, Spain. anabpt91@gmail.com

Contract of the Research Group - Gtea- University of Malaga. PhD in Educational Sciences, University of Granada. Graduate in Pedagogy and Diploma in Primary Education Teaching. Official Master in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training. Member of the Gtea-UMA group. Research areas: e-learning, evaluation in virtual training environments and practicum.  


  Esther Martínez Figueira, University of Vigo, Spain.  esthermf@uvigo.es

Professor at the University of Vigo. PhD in Education. Researcher of the CIES-UVigo group. Lines of research: educational technology, innovation in e-learning, teacher training, practicum, equity, participatory research..      

Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas, Universidad de Málaga, pcubillas@uma.es University of Málaga. Lines of research: External internships, Entrepreneurship in education, Educational technology, Virtual environments and communities, Social networks, Computational thinking, Educational programming and robotics, Early childhood care.     

 Violeta Cebrián-Robles, University of Extremadura, Spain. violetacbr@gmail.com

Lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the University of Extremadura. PhD in Equity and Innovation in Education. Lines of research: innovation in e-learning, practicum, ethics and academic honesty.  

María José Latorre-Medina, Universidad de Granada, España. mjlator@ugr.es

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Granada. Profesora Titular del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Facultad de Educación, Economía y Tecnología de Ceuta de la Universidad de Granada. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación “Formación, Desarrollo y Actividad Docente” (FYDAD). Líneas de investigación: formación inicial del profesorado, Prácticum, desarrollo profesional docente, educación infantil, docencia universitaria.    

  Olalla García Fuentes, University of Vigo, Spain. olallisgarciafuentes@gmail.com

PhD student of the Equity and Innovation in Education Program at the University of Vigo. Graduate in Early Childhood Education. Master in Learning Difficulties and Cognitive Processes. Research areas: STEAM methodology and technologies applied to education.   


Silvia Moral Sánchez, University of Málaga, Spain. silviamoralmaster@gmail.com

Telecommunications Engineer. Master's Degree in Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Languages. Member of the Spanish Network of Excellence on R+D+i and Science for Video Games (RiDiVi). Professor in the Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Social and Experimental Sciences. Faculty of Education. University of Malaga.   


  Desirée Aguilar Palomo, University of Málaga, Spain. daguilarp@uma.es 

Contract project of the Research Group - Gtea- University of Malaga. Music Education Teacher in the Government of Aragón. Degree in Pedagogy, Degree in Primary Education and Professional Degree in Music.