Development of learning objects for the learning of data structures
This paper describes the development and evaluation of various learning objects that will be used as components of a MOOC (massive open online course) within the framework of the Digital Production Communities managed by the CODAES network (Comunidades Digitales para el Aprendizaje en Educación Superior) in Mexico. The materials arise from the need to provide higher-level students of computer-related occupations with different means of learning about complex and necessary subjects in their training. Current failure rates show that traditional teaching techniques have not been effective in achieving the learning of some topics such as programming; the data confirm that this competence is difficult for students to acquire and therefore it is necessary to seek learning alternatives.
The research team developed as a central part of the preparation of the MOOC course on data structures, several learning objects that addressed the topics related to the use of binary trees. The evaluation of the students who used them was favorable in the aspects of perception of the usefulness of materials, the relevance of activities, the ease of tasks and the clarity of indications and questions. The evaluation results allow us to consider that the learning objects developed in this phase of work will be well received in the MOOC course in which they will be a part of.
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