ICT plan dissemination through schools’ websites: a transverse study
Technology Planning, Technology Integration, Web School, Primary Education, Secondary EducationAbstract
In 2007 Galicia establishes the compulsory to develop the ICT Plan in schools. This school document presents the actions to be carried out for the introduction and integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching-learning process, pointing out the use of the website as one of the indicators of these actions. In the framework of an evaluative research to know the current reality of the ICT Plan, it raises an objective aimed at verifying the diffusion that said Plan has in web pages. Through a mixed methodology, the study focuses on the information obtained with a questionnaire to 38 management teams and a web page registration form for 140 educational schools in Ourense province. The results indicate that in almost all cases the website is used, which is updated with some frequency but rarely does the objective of disseminating the ICT Plan and serve as a bridge for communication with the educational communityDownloads
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