Videotutorials and QR codes: ICT resources at Communication Sciences audiovisual labs




Information technology, cooperative learning, blended learning and audiovisual communication


The use of ICT (new Information and Communication Technologies) as teaching tools has established itself as an alternative within and outside the classroom that enables the development of significant and collaborative learning processes, and in which there is greater interaction between the student and the object of study. From this premise, a group of assistant and associate professors from the three degrees taught at Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Malaga have launched an innovative educational project involving the realization of videotutorials on different equipment present in audiovisual laboratories and of certain general communication skills useful for overcoming subjects framing in the degrees in Journalism, in Advertising and Public Relations and in Audiovisual Communication. After the execution of videoturials by students, under the supervision of the tutor of every single subject, Quick Response Codes (QR codes) were associated to them and located on every equipment and in all the classrooms. This article analyzes the first development process phase of the project, as well as the results of two different learning needs identification surveys sent to Faculty members (students and professors), which reveal on one hand, this type of methodologies implementation demand by the students, and on the other hand, professors positive attitude towards its use.


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How to Cite

Castro Higueras, A., Monedero Morales, C. del R., & Luengo Benedicto, J. T. (2017). Videotutorials and QR codes: ICT resources at Communication Sciences audiovisual labs. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 3(2), 137–145.


