Educational technology ‘introduced’ by the COVID-19 pandemic
asynchronous communication, synchronous communication, distance education, educational technology, pandemicsAbstract
As society scrambled to adjust to life amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, new and unprecedented challenges presented themselves within all walks of life. The pressure to adapt the delivery of education within restricted societies fell mainly on the shoulders of teachers. The purpose of the article is a positive know-how transfer with the educational technology use in and out of pandemic times. The article is based on two qualitative content analyses of teacher-chosen technology. One content analysis, done via corpus linguistic analysis, provided data for EXCEL computation to quantitatively calculate the frequency of educational technology usage. The second content analysis resulted in thematic clusters of educational technology based on its function. The study shows that distance learning has gone through many changes ‘caused’ by the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology has helped education to continue despite the loss of physicality, and educational technology, especially the web-based software solutions, enabled educators to reach, keep or even improve the quality of teaching and learning. In comparison to the past, in which mostly asynchronous distance learning tools were used, the pandemic increased the usage of collaborative, communicative, interactive synchronous tools and portable devices. It also increased the variety of educational software solutions. For the same or similar functions, more tools are now available. The article works with a vast amount of data in which teachers, teacher trainers, students, interested laypeople, and others from all over the world answered the question: “What educational technology do you use?” and can therefore offer suggestions for global teaching praxis.
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