Visual manifestations of the law in the visuality of Justice


  • María Montesinos Castañeda Spain



Justice, Law, Allegory, Iconography, Cardinal Virtues


Law’s importance in application and execution of Justice is shown in this virtue both theoretically and visually. Law is concreted visually in Justice’s image through different attributes which highlight the importance of law in its practice. Moreover, law has been considered by thinkers as one of virtues that compose Justice. This consideration has visual repercussions both for the Law and for Justice. In this way, Justice’s attributes are the visual display of the aspects that compose it. For this reasons, Justice share attributes with allegory of Law.


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How to Cite

Montesinos Castañeda, M. (2020). Visual manifestations of the law in the visuality of Justice. Eviterna Journal, (8), 123–143.

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