No. 6 (2023): Art-Driven AI: la inteligencia artificial en el arte y el diseño

Portada nº6, 2023, AI DRIVEN ART La inteligencia artificial en al Arte y el Diseño

Exploring the intersection of art and AI: a reflective approach

The sixth edition of Umática presents a thought-provoking examination of the intersection between art and artificial intelligence (AI), drawing on Joanna Zylinska's influential work, "AI Art, Machine Visions and Warped Dreams" (2020). This exploration invites us to contemplate the mutually enriching relationship between humans and technology in the realm of creativity. The issue encompasses diverse perspectives on the challenges and opportunities presented by digital systems in artistic creation, from AI-generated digital media to the ethical considerations in image generation through prompts, as discussed by Professor Juan Martín Prada in "parasitic creativity." In this edition, readers are treated to exclusive interviews with both authors, offering deep insights into their views and contributions to the discourse on art and AI.

The journal also delves into the philosophical implications of the prevalence of simulacra in the AI era, raising questions about the nature of reality and truth in a networked world. This issue underscores the importance of addressing the evolution of authorship, originality, and ethics in art, as well as the need for training in new generative models and critically examining AI's role in contemporary art. Access to AI education, transparency, and equal opportunities are essential to bridge disparities and counter misinformation.

The utilization of AI digital media facilitates the investigation of Collective Visual Memory and Historical Re-collaboration. Through this medium, we can contemplate the influence of AI on our comprehension of the past and propose novel methods of remembrance through AI-generated images, while simultaneously grappling with the potential for falsehoods or remixes within historical narratives. The democratization of AI expands the realm of creative possibilities, yet simultaneously presents ethical dilemmas in integrating various styles and elements within generative systems. This issue brings to light several challenges that must be addressed in the years ahead, bearing in mind the rapid pace of technological advancements in the digital realm.

Cover image:

ZYLINSKA, J. (2023) -Still from A Gift of the World (Oedipus on the Jetty), [Photofilm, 9’25’’, 2021]. |© Zylinska, 2023 (Courtesy of the Author)[1]


[1] A still from the project of the same name, in which Zylinska revisits Chris Marker's famous apocalyptic photographic film La Jetée (1962), training a StyleGAN2 model with stills from Marker's original, while writing a script with the help of an AI linguistic model.

Published: 2023-11-15