Literary myths and their transfer to the cinema. Towards a new post-terrifying paradigm: the socialization of the monster


  • Pedro Pujante Universidad de Murcia



horror cine, horror literature, mitochritic, monsters, series, fantastic


In this article we intend to  reflect briefly on the evolution that  the aesthetic figure of three of the  literature classic monsters (vampires,  zombies and demons) has expe-  rienced in the cinema, in order to  reflect on how a radically renewing  contemporary bestiary has been  constructed both in cinema and  literature. As we will try to show  here, in recent times their total  assimilation has caused that in some  audiovisual and novelistic fictions the  crisis of the monstrosity has become a  rupture of alterity, that is, the  “others” have been incorporated into  the “our-Self”, and ceased to be  regarded as strangers. Besides, the  supernatural terror has been replaced  by social preoccupations.


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Author Biography

Pedro Pujante, Universidad de Murcia

Pedro Pujante es Doctor en Literatura por la Universidad de Murcia. Ha escrito ensayo, novela y artículos literarios.


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How to Cite

Pujante, P. “Literary Myths and Their Transfer to the Cinema. Towards a New Post-Terrifying Paradigm: the Socialization of the Monster”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 1, Dec. 2019, pp. 167-80, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.v0i1.6229.


