Derangements of the Soul in Hegel’s Anthropology


  • Allegra de Laurentiis Stony Brook University Spain



Soul-body relation; 19th century psychiatry; Hegel and Aristotle; Hylomorphism; Psychosomatics, Soul-body relation, 19th century psychiatry, Hegel and Aristotle, Hylomorphism, Psychosomatics


This essay discusses Hegel’s conception of human insanity from the treatise “Anthropology. The Soul” (Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences III, Part One). I first outline the ontological status of Seele, modeled after Aristotle’s psychē. The hyloeidism of Seele is then shown to be the metaphysical grounding for Hegel’s claim of the psychosomatic nature of all derangement types, whose common pattern he identifies in the regression, triggered by historically traumatic events, from conscious selfhood to pre-conscious, “feeling” selfness. I then discuss the classification of insanity-types in Encyclopaedia §408, its debt to predecessors and contemporaries, and its echoes in today’s categorizations of “mental disorders.” The conclusion highlights that Hegel’s etiology of insanity—contrary to today’s official psychiatry—is strongly oriented toward identifying social-historical, rather than individual or familial catalysts.


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How to Cite

de Laurentiis, A. (2024). Derangements of the Soul in Hegel’s Anthropology. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 10, 63–87.