Hegel's Philosophy of Right: An Ascriptivist Institutional Ethics


  • Michael Quante Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster Germany




Philosophy of Right; Hegel; ethics; cognitivist ascriptivism, Philosophy of Right, Hegel, Ética, Cognitivist ascriptivism


This paper aims to develop the following hypothesis: Hegel's philosophy of law is a philosophical explanation and systematisation of our practices of demanding and responding to evaluative and normative claims. As will be explained, this hypothesis has three advantages. First, it makes the structure of Hegel's practical philosophy visible and comprehensible. It installs his philosophy of law as "Objective Spirit" in the whole of his encyclopaedic system and this part he outlines in its basic lines with the Fundamental Lines. Secondly, the proposal presented here makes it possible to differentiate the various planes on which the Hegelian exposition moves in the Fundamental Lines, and to explain how they are connected with the overall approach of his philosophy of law. Finally, he understands the whole approach of Hegelian practical philosophy as an expression of a self-modernisation of philosophical ethics with a view to the formulation and substantiation of concrete moral statements.


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How to Cite

Quante, M. (2022). Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: An Ascriptivist Institutional Ethics. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 8, 69–90. https://doi.org/10.24310/Studiahegelianastheg.v8i.14574