Rights and Law in Hegel´s Theory of Objective Spirit


  • Jean Françoise Kervégan Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne France




Right, Law, Objective Spririt, Hegel


The German word ‘Recht’ is difficult to translate in some languages, such as English. It may stand for both subjective ‘right(s)’ and objective ‘law’. The usual translation of ‘Recht’ as ‘right’ is certainly justified, yet it should not imply an understanding of Hegel’s theory of objective spirit as a mere rights-based position. I suggest a more nuanced reading firstly by tracing the philosophical history of the concepts ‘subjective right’ and ‘objective law’. A quantitative analysis of Hegel’s usage of the word ‘Recht’ reveals then how he consciously mobilizes the whole range of its meanings. Therefore, I propose an institutionalist approach to Hegel’s philosophy of law and right: the word ‘Recht’ is then a metonymic epitome of legal, social and political institutions. Objective rules, subjective behaviors and attitudes are intertwined in these institutions. It would run contrary to Hegel’s entire philosophy of objective spirit to favor unilaterally the viewpoint of rights over that of law (or duties); therefore, this theory is not merely a ‘philosophy of right(s)’.


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How to Cite

Kervégan, J. F. . (2022). Rights and Law in Hegel´s Theory of Objective Spirit. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 8, 173–190. https://doi.org/10.24310/Studiahegelianastheg.v8i.14563