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Aline Dorneles
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Maria do Carmo Galiazzi
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Special Issue: Narrativas, docencia universitaria e investigación educativa, EXPERIENCES, pages 344-354
Submitted: Jun 1, 2020 Accepted: Sep 22, 2020 Published: Sep 30, 2020
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This article seeks to understand the role of the narrative experience in the construction of the professional identity of the Chemistry teacher. It also proposes narrative research as a way to build knowledge in Natural Sciences. To do this, a study with a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach is presented, which allowed us to trace a methodological path and, therefore, interpret the narratives. It is understood that the experiences documented in narrative form improve the collaborative processes of conversation, reading, writing and rewriting in the training of teachers. Therefore, the constructed interpretations lead us to understand the narrated experience and to argue that narrative writing provides a way of thinking and talking about teacher training in Chemistry. In this sense, the importance of Narrative Research Wheels in the training of Chemistry teachers is discussed as a possibility to build knowledge, share experiences and, thus, favor the learning and appropriation of narrative language in Chemistry.


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