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  • Yuly Natalia Conrado Murillo
  • Liz Mariana Henao Cardona
Yuly Natalia Conrado Murillo
Liz Mariana Henao Cardona
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Special Issue: Narrativas, docencia universitaria e investigación educativa, RESEARCHES
Submitted: May 31, 2020 Accepted: Sep 3, 2020 Published: Sep 30, 2020
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This paper aims to show how teachers constantly experience tensions in their work activities related to the social, political and cultural demands that lie with them; the significance of being a teacher in today’s educational scenario, highlighting its idealized figure which limits the subjectivity and, therefore, their emotional response. For this reason, narrative research is implemented as a manner of offering them a possibility for expressing, in their own voice, circumstances and experiences that permit them to critically question themselves the way how the emotions and the gender role are conceived within the education environment. To enrich the dialog, the central ideas are supported by authors that address the emotions from a holistic point of view and also question some demands related to the teacher’s figure.


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