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Daniel Gómez Ramos
Universidad Nacional de Educación UNAE (Ecuador)
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021), STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 61-78
Submitted: May 19, 2020 Accepted: Jan 11, 2021 Published: Jan 31, 2021
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This essay explores knowledge as a product of alteration and an effect on subjectivation modes. Under the reference to the Pandora’s Greek myth, the desire to know is reflected, from the preontological curiosity that is installed as an unresolved question throughout life. Similarly, the Psyche’s myth addresses the need for the stripping of educational prerogatives. Emphasis is placed on unfinished pedagogical knowledge. Language, conversation and study are pretexts that set in motion the search -freedom of meaning- for existence in its own time. The knowledge relationship requires recognition, above the content and learning guides. Therefore, the need arises for teachers to accept some knowledge and detach themselves from others. Thus, the knowledge from the internal world of educators may be captured by prediction, which translates into apathy and disinterest in students. In order for the teacher to be available to them and to trigger and sustain the function of knowledge, generosity in offering cultural resources and omitting the logic of representation are required. Elements that encourage the teacher to promote the emancipation of their students from the affirmation of their capacities and powers, from the trust and with the consent of the other.


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