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Claudia De Laurentis
Luis Porta
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Special Issue: Narrativas, docencia universitaria e investigación educativa, RESEARCHES, pages 152-171
Submitted: May 7, 2020 Accepted: Sep 1, 2020 Published: Sep 30, 2020
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The purpose of this article is to present one of the ways in which teachers’ professional identity is expressed. Stemming from research proposed by GIEEC (Grupo de Investigación en Educación y Estudios Culturales, part of CIMEd ), these findings are part of a project which purpose was to explore teacher’s professional identity. The field work for the Project took a year and was composed of narrative interviews to teachers in charge of future teacher’s education courses working at School of Humanities belonging to UNMDP. Those encounters uncovered the interviewees need to resort to metaphors as a resource to convey their being/becoming teachers’ educators. The semantics fields present in the narratives meet and weave the identity fabric in three key knots: teaching as a journey, teaching as a game and teaching as an artistic performance. In the following sections, we present some aspects related to the inquiry and the way in which metaphors arise as an essential part of that teachers’ identity fabric


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