The role of the curricula on the road to inclusive education in Andalusia: keys to a doctoral thesis research
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This paper synthesizes the most relevant aspects of a doctoral thesis research plan, whose general objective is to characterize and analyze the role of the curricula as a factor of educational exclusion/inclusion in Andalusia. Determining the components of an inclusive curricula, the methodologies and didactic strategies consistent with it and knowing reports of experiences of good inclusive practices in this line, will be the backbone on which this research will be developed from a qualitative approach. The field work is based on an initial exploratory study where information is collected through interviews with five experts in inclusive education in Spain, in order to reveal the key aspects that can focus the theoretical framework, as well as determine the main dimensions of inquiry about the theme. The collection of information continues with informants belonging to the educational administration, specialists in inclusive teaching methodologies and three case studies of good curricular practices in centers that favor inclusive environments in the compulsory stages. Finally, the field work will be closed by returning the information collected to university professors who train the future teachers of the stages studied, in order to inquire about the subject also from this perspective. Explaining how we will face each one of these stages is the object of the story that articulates this work, which will end with the progress of the results of a preliminary analysis of the information collected so far and the conclusions derived from the planning process and start a doctoral thesis research.
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