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Octavio Poblete-Christie
U. de Playa Ancha
Rodrigo Cornejo Chávez
University Santiago de Chile, CL
Rodolfo Bächler
University Mayor
Mauricio López Cruz
University of Chile
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024), RESEARCHES, pages 36-54
Submitted: Jan 21, 2023 Accepted: Jul 24, 2023 Published: Jan 31, 2024
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The main results of a study whose aim was to explore the emotional experience of female teachers in the classroom, exploring both phenomenological and representational aspects, are presented. A qualitative approach and a design based on emotional episodes were used. Twenty episodes experienced by four different female teachers were studied. As data construction techniques, reports made immediately after each class and semi-structured interviews were used. In addition, a printed human silhouette was used where the participants could make marks with a pencil to support their descriptions. Twenty reports and twenty interviews were conducted, one for each episode. A qualitative content analysis of the constructed data was carried out. The results show different feelings experienced by the teachers and different meanings that explained the emergence of their emotions. From these meanings it was possible to construct the categories "school adjustment", "professional performance" and "relational quality". The implications of these results are discussed on the basis of psychological, educational, political and epistemological criteria.



Agencies: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondecyt) , National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (Conicyt) through the 2015 Doctoral Scholarship in Chile


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