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Kenneth Zeichner
University of Washington
United States
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Remembering: a life dedicated to Education. Academic tribute to Professor Ángel I. Pérez Gómez, STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 83-97
Submitted: Sep 8, 2022 Accepted: Sep 13, 2022 Published: Sep 30, 2022
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The article addresses teacher education to teach successfully in schools in Historically Marginalized Communities. In order to do that, the author explains, first of all, this concept and delves into the duality of private and public funding in education. To achieve the optimistic future he foresees, the structure of funding must change. The author also exposes two major pathways to democratic teacher education: doing a better job in preparing teachers from outside historically marginalized communities in teaching students in culturally responsive and sustaining ways and doing a better job of recruiting, preparing, and retaining teachers who live in these communities to stay there and teach. Finally, an outline of what needs to be done is presented.


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