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Manuel F. Vieites
Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Galicia / Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022), STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 9-30
Submitted: Nov 21, 2021 Accepted: May 24, 2022 Published: Jul 30, 2022
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In 1985 Ian Bowater wrote that by the year 2000 drama could disappear from the schools and the curriculum, as its practitioners and supporters had not succeeded in showing its value, its real educational dimension. Unfortunately, the prognosis was partially fulfilled, because at the same time, as Eisner stated, the role of artistic education in human development has not been understood. Nevertheless, it should be admitted that when defending the curricular and educational value of drama many clichés and common places have been recited, without being able to explain how it may be substantive and differential having that something that no other area can offer. With this paper, written after an extensive review of literature in diverse fields, we consider the issue of value, which drives us to put forward a new approach to the field of the educational practices generated when education and theatre meet, and highlighting, in conclusion, the relevance of drama education, which aim is to promote and foster a new kind of intelligence that is key in the process of becoming a person and in shaping the subject as a social actor: dramatic intelligence.


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