The tutor of practices and his professionals influence in the Education Degrees
Tutor, Professional competences, Educational quality, Inclusive society, PracticumAbstract
Nowadays, educational problems are a fundamental issue of social reflection, so it is essential to develop the knowledge and achieve an obligatory education of quality which guarantees the human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and no violence, a global citizenship, and the appreciation of the cultural diversity and the contribution of the culture to the sustainable development. All these things re-quire an important change in the pre-service and in-service training, with values and an intelligent task. This research has been developed in the Education Degrees of the Education Faculty, UNED Associate Center of Albacete, 2015-16 and 2016-17 courses. The main objective has been focused to the support and strengthening of teaching, to optimize the formation of teachers, Pedagogues, and Social Educators, and to enrich them with the contributions and improvement evaluations made by all people involved in the training process (students, collaborators, faculties, institutions, etc.). The results show that tutors (collaborating professionals) value the usefulness of the professional practices in the Degrees, considering that they are essential, to get an approach and to provide a learning that is not only produced in the Faculty on a theoretical level but also in a practical level. Related to the duration of the period of practices, it is valued that it should be extended. The most meaningful conclusion, we can highlight the lack of con - sideration and academic acknowledgement of the Practicum, as well as the insufficient link between theory and practice, in the formation of the studied professionals and the underlined aspects by all the participants in the research.Downloads
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