Tutoring in dual degree internships: a research in development.
dual training, tutoring, work-study alternation programme, University-Companies collaborationAbstract
The DUAL-DIG project investigates tutoring practices in dual university training programs in Spain, which combine academic training and professional experience, promoting collaboration between universities and companies. It also seeks to identify good practices, training needs of tutors and propose improvements that effectively connect academic and work environments, contributing to the professionalization and future research in this emerging educational model.
Raposo-Rivas, M. y Ibáñez-Cubillas, M.P. (dirs.). Tutorización de las prácticas de programas formativos duales en un mundo digital: Desafíos, metodologías y buenas prácticas -DUAL-DIG. Proyecto I+D+i. Ref: PID2022-141325NB-I00. Entidad financiadora: MICIU/AEI/10.13039/50110001/ cofinanciado por FEDER.UE.
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